Herpes Zoster can be treated

Herpes zoster Is caused by varicella virus which also causes chicken pox & needs attention

Herpes Zoster ( Pic Courtesy : Wikimedia Commons)

The word Herpes means “creeping” in Greek and Latin.

When infected with it , painful water filled boils occur on the skin .

Herpes Zoster or what is commonly called “sarpa hunnu“ in Kannada, is a infection which people fear due to misconceptions about it

When Herpes Zoster occurs, the pain is usually quite severe. As a result, those affected by it visit cardiologists thinking its a heart-related condition if the skin around the chest area is involved.

It is also wrongly thought of as kidney stones’ pain if it occurs near the side of the stomach region.

It’s best to get the correct diagnosis and start treatment as its contagious. If someone around a zoster patients has never had chicken pox it can  get transmitted as chicken pox.

Incidentally, Herpes Zoster and chicken pox are both caused by the same virus - Varicella.

Among patients, those who are diabetic need special care as healing takes time.
In the elderly and diabetic patients, a condition known as post-herpetic neuralgia happens and this has to be treated as it gives rise to painful condition even after Herpes heals.

This is a treatable disease and with timely medications, in a week to 10 days, patients begin to feel a lot more comfortable.

For appointments, call 91 90350 98652 or visit  Skin Solutionz


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