LED Bulbs distribution drive by YUVA at Allalasandra Lake, Yelahanka Bangalore

Yelahanka United Environment Association (YUVA) along with BESCOM is organizing LED Bulbs distribution at highly concessional rates.

LED Bulb Distribution - YUVA and BESCOM

Date and Time : January 24' 2016 - 7am -7pm.

Location           : Allalasandra Lake area, Yelahanka New
                           Town, Bangalore ( Entrance Nr. BWSSB
                           STP, Allalasandra lake gate)

LED Bulbs       :  9 watts sold at Rs.100.00 per bulb (Concessional rate)
No. of bulbs     : 10 Bulbs will be provided per home

Other details    : 1. Carry address proof/ID proof to avail the offer along with BESCOM bill
                           2. Carry your own carry bag, no carry bags will be provided
                           3. Free replacement warranty for 3 years on every bulb 

Benefits of LED Bulbs
For further details : Contact YUVA Joint Secretary  : 98451 71449, 98453 89238,
